02 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! May it be healthy, full of love and exciting adventures and with enough time to take slow from time to time!

We have had a really nice cozy New Year's Eve. We took all three monkeys to the indoor pool in the morning. The big ones had a bulk of fun and Jakob was watching the scene from the edge of the pool obviously enjoying what he saw - and all other people (mostly elderly ones) so much enjoying the baby!
After lunch (one of my all-time favorites: Spinach!!) hubby and the big monkeys took that long nice nap which the kids didn't so much refuse due to swimming-fatigue! What followed were Bismarcks, movies, games, nice long dinner, fireworks for the kids and a really very short discussion about the right time to go to bed. Eventually, Johann and I went upstairs first, at about 9.45pm, and he went to straight to sleep. Paulina came sneaking in whispering in my ear "Can I please got to bed now?" at exactly 10.08pm and finally made it to bed at 10.30pm. Hubby and mom in-law lasted till 11pm and the only (lonely) soldier in the house was my dad in-law who celebrated the new year all by himself.

I was up at midnight feeding Jakob and wishing my hubby a happy New Year and that was it. It was a nice, entertaining family night and I wouldn't want it any other way. Got up at 6.15am the next morning with the boys and prepared a nice breakfast for the rest of the family.

Now we are back home and slowly everyday life is taking over again - and I am sooo happy about it! After sick-at-home kids/hubby, christmas prep, christmas guests, holiday-gettaway... I am really looking forward to settling back into our old habits and routines. I love routines and I really miss them when they're broken for too long. Paulina will be on school holidays for the rest of the week, but Johann is back at kindy tomorrow and hubby already returned to work today. So soon there will be just Jakob and I and the house left here during the day. Yippie! :-)